This is the third gallery of the Escaramuza Riders, and I am proud of this mexican sport.
In this images you can see more courage, honor and beauty. Mexican women can do this and much more.
Esta es la tercera galeria de Jinetes de Escaramuza, y estoy orgulloso de este deporte mexicano.
En estas imágnes ustedes pueden ver el coraje, el honor y la belleza. La mujer mexicana puede hacer esto y mucho mas. 
I can
with you
I feel complete
and with my team..
... we dance
and run
For the honor of my country
We are so many..
with our traditions
and with our dreams
Do'nt you think?
Let's go...
I am ready
Its time... 
to wake up
and begin the parade
more time
We will win
For contact to buy some picture, please follow me at Facebook
and see the other galleries Escaramuza Riders and Escaramuza Riders 2

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