Marilyn Monroe, a myth a beauty, a dream.
Now I am exploring options to decorate an office, or a room .
Something that I want to do. Now I can make it in vinyl.
Marilyn Monroe, el mito, la belleza, el sueño.
Ahora exploro opciones para decorar una oficina o un cuarto.
Algo que quiero hacer. Ahora lo puedo hacer con vinil.
Project in progress

She, the beauty and the movie star, remember some works of the fifties, * Norman Rockwell, a great illustrator for the Saturday Evening Post.

Detail, free hand work

More detail

In the process, I take other pictures to complete the idea. Cameras, movie, now I am trying to combine, modern times.

Final look, a tribute to the film and camera work

Origin. I work with this picture in a photo book. Stars of Hollywood.

Part of the process

Another option

Other stars admire Marilyn... well , remember that this is a dream