Ford Motor Company, CSAP, (Cuautitlán Assembly plant) has the control office.
And they invite me to design and realize Art wall. In January of 2023 I made 6 murals.

Mural 1 for the meeting room.

Size of this art wall: 4x2.45 mts (original design)
Size of this art wall: 4x2.45 mts

The meeting room. Real photo

Another view of the meeting room

Meeting room with te full murals

Art for the conference room (Original art)

The video and conference room in real photo

Original art to the kitchen zone

Meeting room, kitchen and coffee zone.

In honor to Henry Ford, the vision of the new Mustang mach-e

Original art for the office of the general plants manager in Mexico

Real photo, office of the general manager in mexico

Original art of the coordinator of the plant

Office of the coordinator

Original art for the General director of CSAP plant. The mach-e as the future of Ford

The general director of CSAP, Ford Motor Company.