Andrea is a very good dancer and friend.
This work is an experiment. Since the photograpy, to the print process .
The print was made with an UV machine. Arizona OCE, over 2 levels of material. I use old
pieces of print games, made by me in 2004. Now this process is in 2014
Great moment and creative time
Andrea es una gran bailarina y amiga. Este trabajo es un experimento, desde la fotografíía hasta el proceso de impresión. La impresion final esta realizada en una máquina Arizona OCE 550, de 1.80 x 1.20 mts. Se utilizaron en la base piezas impresas de 2004, realizadas por mi, solo para experimentar.

Digital version

The process was complex, using two different photos, and working like a puzzle. Detail


Detail of the print process, usign old pieces of print games, made in 2004. The process incluyes withe ink.

Details of the selected photos.

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