De abanicos y Crinolinas. Art book
Photography and graphic art by Emilio Garcia
Mexico's national Design Award. (Editorial design)
Honorific mention 2016
This is only some photos and graphic art,
over 120 images has the book.
All this material has copy right.
Todo el material está registrado con derechos de autor ISBN 978-1-4951-9140-4
The "Charrería" is an expression of the most deeply rooted traditions of Mexico and granted us a very important part of our identity. The Escaramuza Charra is the greatest representation of the women´s role in our National Sport, where art, traditions, customs and lots of Mexican expressions are involved. I do not pretend to make a book to inform or teach about the history or work of the Escaramuza Charra; this is only a visual testimony, a part of my experience, of my lines and of what my eyes see through the camera. It is a homage to them, to the women that, with their skills and beauty, decorate the arenas of Mexico in a choreography of passion, love and connection with their horses.

Cover book, and escaramuza dress

My blood
It is photography and graphic art performed during the last 10 years where, thanks to my daughters and their team partners, I found that the "Charrería" becomes familiar, expressive, full of passion, color, movement, drama, accuracy, coordination, bravery, lots of joy, jokes, discipline, teamwork, emotion, sadness, courage, music and adrenalin to the top. As a father of competitors, this turns out into an extreme and unique experience.
It is a mix of admiration and emotion because of their movements,
and a professional pleasure working in the images.

Waiting for the horse

Family and honor

This is to take care of you

Our road

Open book 1

I draw my line

Graphic art: All the way to the finish line


It's almost our turn

Hidalgo state's blue sky

Set out time

My "China"

"Alteña" a Jalisco State woman

"Tapatio" eyes (Tapatio, typical from Jalisco State)

The Judge

Fiesta and color

First pages, to my daughters Helena (left) and Fernanda (right)

From my heart

Here and there (Graphic art)

Thanks for your visit.